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激发你的想象力. 分享你的才华. Connect with other motivated students in the honors program.

The 荣誉项目 at Keystone benefits students of intellectual promise and high motivation who seek increasing challenge at the undergraduate level. 这个项目, designed to recognize and encourage academic excellence, 鼓励学生按照自己的节奏学习, and facilitates the exchange of ideas and information among students with different interests and in different disciplines.

Students are placed in a challenging yet supportive environment where they can develop their critical and creative thinking skills and find ways to use these skills to make a difference in the larger community.


Being an Honors Scholar affords you the opportunity to pursue an individualized program of study that is further enriched by diverse events and educational experiences.

  • 以Keystone学者的身份毕业
  • 每学期优先注册课程
  • Relax or study in the honors student private lounge in The Cottage
  • Reap the benefits of small classes with other honor students and mentoring faculty
  • 获得总统读书俱乐部的会员资格
  • 与其他积极进取的学生交流思想

Alpha Lambda Delta荣誉协会

Take it a step further and join Alpha Lambda Delta (ALD).

ALD is a nationwide honor society which provides a community of scholars, 一个培养领导能力的平台, 以及奖学金的经济支持. 为了有资格加入ALD, 你一定在攻读学士学位, 是全日制学生, 累积绩点达到3分.在大一期间达到5个或更多.  Invitations are sent via email to the students who are qualified to join. This takes place the summer before their sophomore year. 要加入,学生必须一次性支付35美元.00 fee to the national chapter and attend meetings each semester. All members are presented with a chord to wear at their Commencement Ceremony when graduating from 重点大学

电子邮件: honors@shyayazuche.com

“我在Keystone的教育变得更加丰富. 荣誉课程激励我做到最好. I would recommend it to anyone looking to grow as a person, 对社区产生积极影响, 或者在学业上督促自己.” 




你在一群天才中开始了荣誉课程, 像你一样积极进取的学生, taking Honors FYS and in some cases Honors College Writing courses. 在第二学期或第三学期, you embark on completing honors projects which give you flexibility in your learning experience. From advanced art projects to longer research papers to science experiments to whatever diverse ideas for projects you and your professor can think of, these projects will challenge you to new heights of study at Keystone.

All incoming Honors students will be enrolled in a special section of English 1110 (College Writing I-Academic Writing). Workshops for peer editing and revision complement teacher/student interaction both in and outside the classroom. The Honors section will contain an enriched curriculum and be taught by a senior faculty member.

Students will be required to enroll in 18 Honors-designated credits in addition to the enriched English 1110 course. (Students pursuing an associate degree will be required to enroll in 9 Honors-designated credits). A contract will be signed by the student and faculty for each Honors-designated course, 更深入地概述, 丰富的需求. Most of the College’s courses can be taken for Honors designation.

All Keystone courses are eligible to be taken for Honors Designation by students in the 荣誉项目, 在教练允许的情况下, FYS 1110除外, 通讯1125, ph值1110, IT 1115, 数学1115, 数学1125, SCI 0050, ACCT 1125, ACCT 1155, ACCT 1160, IT 4710到4730, 所有1000级艺术工作室课程, 所有的实习, 领域经验, 学生教学, 以及体验式学习课程.


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. "


课外荣誉活动 & 实地考察旅行

The 荣誉项目 provides co-curricular activities and field trips adding significant dimensions to the student’s academic program.

  • 讲座
  • 演讲嘉宾和诗人
  • 各种文化活动
  • 东北地区荣誉委员会
  • 会议
  • 本科生研究机会
  • 服务的机会
  • 自然历史博物馆
  • 大都会艺术博物馆
  • 康宁玻璃博物馆


Any student in the 荣誉项目 who earns a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.500 and a grade of “B” in the established Honors courses will be designated as an Honors Scholar. The Honors Scholar designation will appear on their diploma and they will wear a distinguished medal at Commencement.

以优异成绩毕业(summa, magna,或cum laude)
Any undergraduate degree-seeking student who earns a minimum 3.累积平均分500分将以优异成绩毕业. The Honors designation will appear on their diploma and they will wear gold honors cords at Commencement.

  • 优等生:3.900 – 4.00平均绩点
  • 优等生:3.700 – 3.899年平均绩点
  • 优等生:3名.500 – 3.699年平均绩点


Students participate in the 荣誉项目 in one of two ways:


  • The Director of 招生 may invite students to participate in the 荣誉项目 once a formal acceptance to the College is granted.
  • Students who desire to participate must submit a completed application for admissions no later than April 1 of their senior year.
  • 学生必须至少有3个.高中累积绩点80分 OR a 3.50 cumulative high school GPA and 1170 SAT (1100 on SAT prior to March 2016) or 24 composite ACT score, plus evidence of honors level and/or AP coursework in high school.


  • During the student’s first semester at 重点大学, faculty members are asked to submit the names of those students that meet the criteria for the 荣誉项目 but are not yet involved.
  • Upon review, these students may be invited into the honors program, beginning the following semester.
  • 学生的平均绩点必须达到3分.5分或以上才能被考虑进入荣誉课程.

荣誉合同 (PDF)

教师指导荣誉项目 (PDF)


荣誉项目 students enrolled on a full-time basis may be eligible for scholarships between one-half tuition plus fees up to full tuition.


电子邮件: honors@shyayazuche.com

"In the honors program I was challenged and guided to become involved as a leader on campus and become more socially involved through meaningful service projects." 

布莱恩·麦金太尔|   2016届优秀毕业生


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